Common names of source organisms

The table below lists organisms compounds were extracted from. Use the search box on the right to find organisms you may be interested in.

In the "Common name" column the language of the common name, if not English, is shown in brackets.

Name Common name
Acacia karroo Sweet thorn
Acacia karroo Soetdoring (Afrikaans)
Acacia karroo Mookana (Northern Sotho)
Acacia karroo Mooka (Tswana)
Acacia karroo Umunga (Xhosa/Zulu)
Acacia nigrescens Knob thorn
Acacia nigrescens Knoppiesdoring (Afrikaans)
Acacia nigrescens Muunga (Venda)
Acacia nigrescens Mooka (Sepedi)
Acacia nigrescens Umkhaya (Zulu)
Showing 1 to 10 of 414 entries