You can load PDB, SDF/MOL(MDL not SYBYL) or XYZ files
-from local disk (don't worry. your file will not be uploaded),
-from RCSB PDB server, PDBID:
-from PubChem server, Compound ID(CID):
-or from the textarea below.



GLmol -- Molecular Viewer on WebGL/Javascript
Version 0.47 (20120827)

This program is written by biochem_fan and released under LGPL. Please visit my project page for the details and source code distribution.

Comments and Suggestions are welcome. Please mail to biochem_fan at users.sourceforge.jp or write in the forum.

How to use

You can also change mouse mode with radio buttons at right-bottom corner.

Small Molecule as

Background color:

Loading structure from server... It may take a while.

If you believe something went wrong, please make sure PDB ID is correct.
Please also make sure that WebGL is enabled in your browser.